Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A glance from Veracruz town, Panama.

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Panama city is expanding rapidly outwardly its traditional centers, looking for fresher and more exotic views to be available. Everything now is about capting foreign investor mostly for the real state business and more and more luxury buildings are being built everywhere around. Still you can find spots like this one right in the heart of Panama city which can provide a bit of the rushing way of life and the yet untouched-by-men nature represented by a large green forest and exotic fauna around the pacific entrance to the Panama Canal.
While I was driving, very early in the morning ,on my way to the medical center deep in the city of Veracruz, I realized how beautiful places are yet to be discovered by the lover of nature and travelling. Unfortunately for the adventurer, this place is still not so safe to go around alone and even with companions. Hopefully with all these changes in the economy, some serious security changes will be applied so that all can enjoy views and places like Veracruz. Our people have high hopes that the goverment will start getting smart people to run programs that will benefit the comunity overall.

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